Tuesday 12th November 6 - 7 pm

Join this free briefing session on how your school can support with addressing climate change.

  • Find out what other schools are doing to tackle climate change

  • Find out what resources are available through our toolkit for schools which comes out this year

  • See how this fits in with the wider diocesan strategy of becoming carbon net zero

“Our Saving Creation strategy encourages us to grow in discipleship, re-frame our living together, and re-shaping the way we see our commitment to God and each other.”

The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds

Saving Creation Strategy

The Diocese of Leeds has committed to strive to be carbon net zero by 2030 in line with the national Church of England. During 2020 and 2021 a cross diocesan team worked to develop the Saving Creation Strategy with a wide range of actions running through every aspect of Diocesan life. This includes action for our church schools, clergy properties, and diocesan offices and how our staff work. Our six bishops have also committed to personal actions and our three Cathedrals are drawing up their own carbon net zero action plans.

The Governor Briefing Sessions

Six FREE briefings for governors of schools in the Enhanced Service Plan

If you wish to book a place on all six (or the remaining) briefings then we have a simple way to do that. Click on the link below.