SEND/Inclusion Network 24/25
New Headteacher Induction 24/25
A series of induction sessions for those new to leading a church school. Two in-person and five virtual. These sessions will provide a basic introduction to what makes a church school distinctive and offer opportunities for new heads to network.
Senior Leaders' Briefing 16/1/25
A termly meeting for senior leaders, including governors, to update them on national, local and diocesan matters. An excellent opportunity to keep up to date and network with colleagues from across the diocese.
Religious Education: Effective Subject Leadership 4/2/25
A hands-on, research-informed course to help you develop in your role as a leader of religious education. Work with subject leaders across the region and learn from best practices.
Part 1: Developing Spirituality 6-2-25
This is the first of two practical, research-based guides to developing spirituality in school. This course is designed to help schools develop a shared understanding of spiritual development and explore approaches used within schools.
Applying for Headship in a Church School 10/2/25
This course will ensure that you are clear about what is distinctive about a church school and explore ways to articulate this well at interview. This practical day will walk you through a typical headteacher recruitment process.